Q&A:“Is Ascension different from meditation?”

Ascension is a process where the nervous system is freed from stress and the mind is expanded into greater awareness of Reality. Both the mind and the body already know how to Ascend as it is the natural state of the human. What is needed is a nervous system capable of thought, a suitable vehicle for the inward movement for the mind, and competent guidance. When those are present, it is effortless and easy to begin the process of Ascension without straining or forcing the mind or the body. Ascension practice can be done at any time with the eyes closed or with the eyes open. These things are usually where Ascension differs from other meditation techniques that rely on using concentration or effort to quiet the mind. Ascension is an extremely simple and fast way to move into higher consciousness.

問與答:Ascension 不同於冥想禪修嗎?

Ascension 是一個過程:壓力從神經系統從中被釋放,心智(mind)得到擴展而對現實的意識變得更廣闊。其實,心智和身體都已經懂得怎樣 Ascend,因為那是人類的自然狀態。我們需要的是一個能夠思考的神經系統、一個適合用來承載心智進入內在的工具,以及正統而合資格的指導。符合了這些條件的話,要開始 Ascension 這個過程是毫不費力而且容易的;非但不會令身體緊張,也不會要操控心智。Ascension 是任何時候都可以閉上眼睛練習,或者在眼睛張開時使用。一般來說,這幾點都是 Ascension 的突顯之處,不同於其他靠集中注意力或者刻意去抑制思維的禪修技巧。Ascension 是一個極其簡單和快速的方法讓人進入更高意識。

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