Q&A:"Is it a Religion?"

Ascension is not a belief system nor a religion, rather a mechanical series of techniques to take the mind inward to its deepest level, naturally. It works regardless of belief and has no dogma or rules for it to be effective. All one need do is to think the techniques as given for it to work.

問與答:Ascension 是什麼宗教嗎?

Ascension 不是一套信仰系統也不是什麼教派,而是一系列的技巧,用來將心智(mind)有如機械式般樸實地帶進內在去達到最深層的經驗,是自然的。不管你帶着什麼信仰來練習,它都會有效,而且也不須要任何教條或者規矩來讓它生效。唯一要做的只是,去想你所學到的技巧就是了。
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