Q&A:"Can I learn Ishayas' Ascension online or from a Book?"

Ishayas’ Ascension is only taught in person and there are always two qualified teachers of Ascension teaching the techniques. The key is that the Teaching is given from one enlivened heart to another, from a teacher to the student, so that it can be given in its purity and power. Any other way starts to dilute and weaken the power of the practice for the individual who is learning. Teaching Ascension techniques online is not in alignment with the lineage of the Ishayas, which is the source of this Ancient Teaching.

Maharishi Sadasiva Isham, who brought the Teaching out in the early 1990’s, said very simply that the techniques cannot be taught through books.

The books he wrote about Ascension are a short invitation to have a direct experience of the practice, given through qualified guidance. Certain things that are rooted in Reality do not change, even with the advance of technology or new media platforms.

問與答:我可以從書本或網路課程中學習 Ishayas 所傳授的 Ascension 嗎?

Ishayas 的 Ascension 技巧只會親身傳授,其竅門旨在經由兩位老師以活化了的心去將生命的力量傳遞來燃點學員的心,保存着所傳承的純淨和威力。任何其他的方法將會稀釋而削弱了這個練習在學員身上的威力。在網上教授 Ascension 的技巧偏離了 Ishayas 的根本傳承,也就是這個古老教誨的本源。

1990 年代初期,Maharishi Sadasiva Isham 大師將這個教誨帶回到世上。他曾簡單地說過,這些技巧不能經由書本教授。他所著筆的有關 Ascension 的書籍是一個短小的請柬,邀請讀者們從合資格的導師那裏學習而取得直接的個人經驗。 即使有新的科技或新的媒體和平台在不斷地進步,然而在實相的根源當中,有些事情是不會改變的。

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