Q&A:"How can I manage the Ascension practice when life is already so busy? "

Ascension can be done with eyes closed and with eyes open. 20 minutes of closed-eyed Ascension is twice as deep as the deepest sleep at night. So, for the body it is extremely beneficial to have that deep rest. With the eyes-open practice, you can use Ascension Attitudes in any activity. Ascending is so easy and effortless that it can be done in a very active lifestyle, and you can still gain the benefits.

問與答:生活已經很忙碌了,我能怎麼練習 Ascension 呢?

Ascension 可以閉上眼睛練習,也可以在張開眼睛時使用。20 分鐘的閉眼 Ascension 練習提供了比晚上最深的睡眠還要深兩倍的休息,這份深層的休息對身體來說是極為有益的。而在眼睛張開時,不論在任何的活動中你也可以使用 Ascension Attitudes。練習 Ascension 是很輕易而且不費力的,即使生活方式是高度地活躍也好,你也依然會經歷到效果。

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